Pilates Tag

Pilates Mat Advanced Course • Lahore • Pakistan

Pilates Mat Advanced Course • Lahore • Pakistan During the Advanced Mat Course (Mat II) we will enhance teaching skills, introduce more advanced mat exercises and explore problems related to disc pathologies and osteoporosis in order to learn how to work with these special populations. We will focus

The Jump Board – Let’s have some fun!

  The work on the jump board will challenge the core, increase the heart rate and improve circulation. Here are some of the differences between a Pilates class on the reformer and one using the jump board: [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Introduction to Anatomy Course • TLV • Israel

Introduction to Anatomy Course • TLV • Israel During this course you will acquire basic understanding of anatomy which is needed in your pursuit of deeper knowledge of Pilates. the course will cover the muscular, skeletal, respiratory, cardiac and neurological systems. We will explore muscles involved

Pilates Mat Course • TLV • Israel

Pilates Mat Course • TLV• Israel Beginner & Intermediate Pilates Mat International Education Course (English) “The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching” Aristotle. Course description: Body & Flow comprehensive mat course includes 45 hours of interactive learning, practice, labs, problem solving and role games. From the very first

Pilates Mat Course :: Hanoi :: Vietnam

Pilates Mat Course :: Hanoi :: Vietnam [border ] Body & Flow's comprehensive mat course includes 45 hours of interactive learning, practice, labs, problems solving and role games. From the very first fundamental to the more complex intermediate, we will cover the exercises with focus on execution, modifications and

Pilates Beg-Int Mat Course :: Bangkok :: Thailand

Pilates Mat Course :: Bangkok :: Thailand [border ] Body & Flow comprehensive mat course includes 45 hours of interactive learning, practice, labs, problems solving and role games. From the very first fundamental to the more complex intermediate, we will cover the exercises with focus on execution, modifications and

Pilates Mat Course :: Lahore :: Pakistan

Pilates Mat Course :: Lahore :: Pakistan [border ] Body & Flow's comprehensive mat course includes 45 hours of interactive learning, practice, labs, problems solving and role games. From the very first fundamental to the more complex intermediate, we will cover the exercises with focus on execution, modifications and

Mommy & Me – Part II

  In the last mommy and me post the focus was on the baby. now its time to focus on the mommy with exercises to awaken her core, strengthen the legs and hips and tone the arms and shoulder girdle. The time after the birth involves many changes

Pilates Beg-Int Mat Course :: Goa :: India

Pilates Mat Course :: Goa :: India [border ] Body & Flow comprehensive mat course includes 45 hours of interactive learning, practice, labs, problems solving and role games. From the very first fundamental to the more complex intermediate, we will cover the exercises with focus on execution, modifications

Pilates Mat Cours avancé • Toulouse • France

Pilates Mat Cours avancé • Toulouse • France Au cours de la Mat Cours avancé (Mat II) nous allons améliorer les compétences d'enseignement, introduire plus avancés exercices au sol et d'explorer les problèmes liés à des pathologies du disque et de l'ostéoporose afin d'apprendre comment travailler